Monday, April 20, 2009

So I spent a little while in Minnesota...

So recently (I know I'm uberslow) for work I spent a couple weeks in St. Paul Minn., which of course means really one crucial thing. You guessed it, that means I had to go through Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, the scene of Sen. Larry Craig's (R-Idaho) awesome, awesome bathroom shame.

Being the classy citizen that I am, I made a point to check this historical spot out. I quickly learned that while there are lots of pictures and some videos online dedicated to this particular potty pilgrimage, there really weren't any explicit maps for the someone who might not be familiar with the airport and might not have a lot of spare time. So... I made one with some hopefully helpful visuals.

At full size, this map is 8.5 by 11 inches, so it is perfect for
printing and carrying around the airport, though I
think I got a couple odd looks, but whatever.

Both times I wandered into the bathroom, the stall in question was in use. Oh well, I wouldn't want to accidentally send some mysterious signal from there anyway. Though I should add that the bathroom as a whole, was filthy. Every toilet there was in need of flushing... gross.


Wendy Withers said...

I love MN. I used to live in St. Peter.

SR said...

that's awesome. you should have done a tap dance outside the stall.

Kristen said...

I can't believe that's all you can say about Minnesota! What about my beloved Joe Mauer and the Twins? Where's that blog??

Chris said...

While I did indeed see the Twins, they sadly lost to the 'She'attle Mariners and Joe Mauer was out with an injury, hehe.

Minnesota was in fact a wonderful place though, and there were in fact many other interesting aspects beyond just the Larry Craig bathroom :)